
Client Session Pattern
Name Client Session pattern Intent Create stateless servers that removes the problem of clustering, as users can switch between servers seamlessly. Makes data more resilient in case of server fail-over. Works well with smaller data sizes. Explanation Real-World Example You’re looking to create a data management app allowing users to send requests to the server to modify and make changes to data stored on their devices. These requests are small in size and the data is individual to each user, negating the need for a large scale database implementation.
Intent The purpose of the Converter pattern is to provide a generic, common way of bidirectional conversion between corresponding types, allowing a clean implementation in which the types do not need to be aware of each other. Moreover, the Converter pattern introduces bidirectional collection mapping, reducing a boilerplate code to minimum. Explanation Real world example In real world applications it is often the case that database layer consists of entities that need to be mapped into DTOs for use on the business logic layer.
Data Bus
Intent Allows send of messages/events between components of an application without them needing to know about each other. They only need to know about the type of the message/event being sent. Explanation Real world example Say you have an app that enables online bookings and participation of events. You want the app to send notifications such as event advertisements to everyone who is an ordinary member of the community or organisation holding the events.
Dependency Injection
Intent Dependency Injection is a software design pattern in which one or more dependencies (or services) are injected, or passed by reference, into a dependent object (or client) and are made part of the client’s state. The pattern separates the creation of a client’s dependencies from its own behavior, which allows program designs to be loosely coupled and to follow the inversion of control and single responsibility principles. Explanation Real world example
Hexagonal Architecture
Also known as Ports and Adapters Clean Architecture Onion Architecture Intent Allow an application to equally be driven by users, programs, automated test or batch scripts, and to be developed and tested in isolation from its eventual run-time devices and databases. Class diagram Applicability Use Hexagonal Architecture pattern when When the application needs to be independent of any frameworks When it is important that the application highly maintainable and fully testable Tutorials Build Maintainable Systems With Hexagonal Architecture Real world examples Apache Isis builds generic UI and REST API directly from the underlying domain objects Credits Alistair Cockburn - Hexagonal Architecture
Intent Layers is an architectural pattern where software responsibilities are divided among the different layers of the application. Explanation Real world example Consider a web site displaying decorated cakes for weddings and such. Instead of the web page directly reaching into the database, it relies on a service to deliver this information. The service then queries the data layer to assimilate the needed information. In plain words With Layers architectural pattern different concerns reside on separate layers.
Intent Separate the user interface into three interconnected components: the model, the view and the controller. Let the model manage the data, the view display the data and the controller mediate updating the data and redrawing the display. Explanation Real-world example Consider ICU room in hospital which displays the patients health information on device displays which are taking input from sensors connected to patient. Here, display’s job is to display the data that it receives from the controller which in turn gets update from sensor model.
Intent MVI is a derivation of the original MVC architectural pattern. Instead of working with a proactive controller MVI works with the reactive component called intent: it’s a component which translates user input events into model updates. Explanation MVI is a Reactive Architecture Pattern which is short for Model -View-Intent. It introduces two new concepts: the intent and the state. UI might have different states — Loading State, Fetch Data State, Error State, and user events are submitted in the form of an Intent.
Intent Apply a “Separation of Concerns” principle in a way that allows developers to build and test user interfaces. Explanation Real-world example Consider File selection application that allows to select a file from storage. File selection logic is completely separated from user interface implementation. In plain words It separates the UI completely from service/domain layer into Presenter. Wikipedia says Model–view–presenter (MVP) is a derivation of the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern, and is used mostly for building user interfaces.